2015 GHS Hall of Fame Banquet
- Date:
- Wednesday, June 10th, 2015
- Time:
- 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM
- Location:
- Hyatt Regency, Old Greenwich, CT
- For Hotel Reservations
- Overnight Guest CLICK HERE
Featuring Guest Speaker: Tom Coughlin, Head Coach -NY Giants
2015 GHS Sports Hall of Fame Inductees:
Ken Bell-FB, Track-Denver Broncos 1981
Tony (TOTO) Deluca-FB,-Green Bay Packers-1955
Ceci Hopp-Stanford NCAA Track Champion 1981
Charlie Hotetz-Basketball, Baseball 1960
Coach: Charlie Luce 1960’s
Kim O’Gorman-All State 1984
Coach: Mike Ornato 1970’s-90’s
Sandy Pendergast-Cheerleading 1970’s-90’s
Coach: Sam Rutigliano-Cleveland Browns 1960’s
Jeff Stiling– Swimming 1978
Ting Vanneman-Track & Field Record Holder 1963
Donald Ward-FB, Basketball-All State 1970
1980-Girls Track & Field Team–Undefeated
1963-Football Team–Undefeated
- Admission: $100.00
- Table Size 10 People
- Ticket will include Dinner, Live Music and Ceremony.
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