Kathy Hall – Class Of 1984
INDUCTEE 2023 Kathy Hall – Class Of 1984 – Girls Track

Kathy Hall
First 9th grader to compete on the GHS X-country team.
All-County: 1980, 81, 82, 83; All-State: 1981, 82.
Indoor Track & Field, 1981/82, 82/83, 83/84. State record – Girls’ 1000m which held for over a decade.
Outdoor Track & Field, 1981/82, 82/82, 83/84. State L Champion: 800m (’84); 1500m (’83,’84); State Open silver medalist: 1500m (’84).
After graduating from GHS in 1984, Kathy attended Princeton University, from which she graduated magna cum laude in 1988. She continued to excel in Cross County, Indoor and Outdoor Track & Field, serving as captain of the Cross Country team her senior year and scoring in the 1500m and 4*800m relay. She then went to Columbia Law School. After a brief stint in private practice, Kathy’s pro bono work led her to the nonprofit social justice sector, where she has worked since 1996. She has held senior positions at the Center for Reproductive Rights, Just Detention International, and the United Nations Foundation.
Since 2010, Kathy has directed The Summit Foundation’s Equality for Women and Girls program, which focuses its grantmaking in Central America and the US. Kathy also has served on various non-profit boards, currently Kakenya’s Dream and WINGS Guatemala.
Kathy lives in Cabin John, MD with her husband, Mark Dwyer. A recent “empty nester,” Kathy’s son, Sebastian Martinez, is a freshman at Princeton University where he runs Men’s Cross Country and Track. She also has three stepchildren, all in their 20s.